

Every Week

You will be expected to comment on 2 images of your fellow classmates’ artwork per week. Some weeks will be process-shots of work, notes you have taken, sketchbook pages and other weeks will be finished artwork.

Use your art vocabulary when posting comments. I will be checking the blogs weekly to make sure that you are writing your comments. Blog comments are part of your participation grade.

Week of February 1

2/02: Prepare Painting 1 Portfolio & post on blog: log in to your student page and upload a photo and short description of yourself (major, year, where you are), along with previous paintings and other past work, your favorite painter and perhaps some ideas of what type of paintings you wish to make this semester.

2/04: Personal narrative still life painting

Week of February 8

2/09: Continue work on Personal narrative still life painting

2/11: Continue work on Personal narrative still life painting