1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Good drawing, now for a tonal ground! Love the progress.

  2. Mavin Buranasilp says:

    Great idea for self-portrait, this is like the next chapter of your painting last semester. The darkness in your room makes the snow and the sky brighter and more beautiful.

  3. Amy Qin says:

    This Window view you pick is very pretty.

  4. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Great individual crit today on zoom Jenn. I forgot to mention Monet’s hay stack series. Look at how he finds color and temperature in white snow.https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/437122

  5. Mavin Buranasilp says:

    The color choice for buildings outside the window makes me believe that the weather is really cold outside. Your self-portrait is cool and so creative.

  6. Eric Kersten says:

    I like that the inside of your room is tonal and desaturated. I’m not sure if it’s your intention to implement it in your final design but I think the concept could be interesting.

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