1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Terrific post! Thanks for documenting your work, it really helps to understand your process. Can you also post your mentor. Is is Manny Farber? https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/6696-manny-farber-critic-and-painter

  2. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Good progress Eric. Looks like your painting is coming along nicely especially with the warm and cool yellows.

    1. Eric Kersten says:

      Thanks Deirdre! I am using Kandinsky as a mentor, but mainly for his color palette. I wasn’t aware of Manny Farber’s works, but after looking at his paintings I’ll be using him as a reference. I like his expressive brush strokes and the way he flattens three dimensional objects.

  3. Sarrah Hussain says:

    You definitely nailed the temperature of your blue and two yellows!! The folds in the fabric look absolutely gorgeous as well, and I’m excited to see how the shadows of the objects and hand will match/play with the hills and valleys of the fabric

  4. Mavin Buranasilp says:

    Your color choice is very amazing. Each transparent vase is placed at the right spot and its color from green to orange is very interesting. I’m excited to see different shadings of yellow fabrics.

  5. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Looks great Eric. Sorry we didn’t get to chat during class. Look at Janet Fish for how she handles reflection and transparency with colored glass. I look forward to seeing the color in the cast shadows as well as the painting develops.
    See you on campus next Tuesday!

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