1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Please adjust the drop shadows under each of the objects to be as specific and abstract in shape as in the photo. They are too generic in your painting.

    Do you know KAWS? Graffiti painter-I think you might like his work

  2. Eric Kersten says:

    This is such a fun still life. I’m excited to see you develop all the small details within your painting, especially the grain in the wood tabletop. I am also interested to see how you’ll transpose the image of yourself and your friends into your painting.

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Mavin-I look forward to seeing the transparent blue tones in the bottle and how they overlap the self portrait with bears. This is a darling painting with a lot of color theory behind the whimsical content. Keep up the good work and finish strong!

  4. Jenn Wang says:

    The wood grain is so beautiful and realistic

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